1 October

My agency championed World Refugee Day, but they’re in a dalliance with a gas and electricity company. What gives?

After a moving World Refugee Day campaign, one reader questions their agency’s integrity. How can they support refugees while partnering with a company contributing to the climate crisis that’s displacing them?

Pearl offers her take on how to navigate this ethical tightrope and whether it’s time for 'the talk.'

The dilemma

Dear Pearl,

Help! I’m in a jam.

Our agency recently created the most stunning campaign for World Refugee Day—it was heartfelt and impactful, shedding light on the resilience of refugees.

We were proud.

But then, I discovered they’re also in a dalliance with a major electricity and gas supplier. Yes, the kind of company that’s fuelling the climate crisis—an issue that could displace over a billion people by 2050. The irony isn’t lost on me.

How can we continue this partnership, knowing they’re working with an industry that threatens the very people we’re trying to protect?

Is it time to reconsider?

Disheartened Diplomat

Pearl’s advice

Dear Disheartened Diplomat,

Oh my dear, it’s quite the conundrum, isn’t it?

You have every right to feel conflicted. When an agency proudly champions refugee rights on one hand but shakes hands with the fossil fuel industry on the other, it’s like wearing two masks—one noble, the other... well, let’s say a little less so.

Now, here’s where ‘the talk’ comes in. Sit them down for a candid conversation. Lay your cards on the table and ask, in no uncertain terms, where their true loyalty lies.

Can they fully support your mission while quietly fuelling the very forces behind climate-based displacement? It’s a slippery slope.

If they can’t offer a solid commitment to moving away from their fossil fuel friends, it might be time to seek a partner whose values align more closely with yours. After all, a true partnership should be built on trust and shared vision.

Good luck, darling!
Love, Pearl.

Got a dilemma?