30 September

My agency nailed our recycling campaign… but they’re in bed with big oil. Is it time to bin them?

After launching a successful campaign to stop people binning their batteries, one reader faces a bitter reality: their agency is also working with a fossil fuel giant.

Can our reader trust them to stay on the right side of the fight when they’re playing both sides?

Pearl weighs in on what to do when your agency’s values clash with your mission.

The dilemma

Dear Pearl,

I’m in a bit of a fix. And I’m hoping you can help.

We recently launched an educational campaign reminding people not to bin their batteries—it’s a huge issue, as it can lead to dangerous fires and disrupt the waste management process.

Our agency created an amazing campaign for us, and we’ve already seen a positive shift in behaviours.

But… there’s always a but isn’t there… I’ve just learned they’re also working with one of Australia’s biggest energy companies—the very ones contributing to the climate crisis and inflating the cost of living while pocketing record profits.

It feels like a massive conflict of interest. How can I trust our agency to help us promote sustainable waste management behaviours while they’re supporting companies that are doing the exact opposite?

Should we break ties, or is there a way to salvage this relationship?

Rattled Recycler

Pearl’s advice

Dear Rattled Recycler,

Oh, this one’s a real head-scratcher, isn’t it?

Your agency delivered a brilliant campaign that’s making a real impact, but working with a dirty power company? That’s a tough pill to swallow. You’re out here preventing battery fires and reducing waste, and they’re cuddling up to an industry fanning the flames of the climate crisis.

Seems like such a throwaway decision, doesn’t it.

It’s time for ‘the talk.’ Sit down with your agency and be candid. Explain how this partnership with a company deriving most of its revenue from fossil fuels undermines your mission, and ask where they really stand. Can they commit to your values, or are they just playing both sides?

If they can’t offer you a clear, values-aligned way forward, it might be time to part ways. After all, there are plenty of agencies who would love to work with a cause as vital as yours, without carrying the weight of fossil fuel baggage.

Good luck, darling!
Love, Pearl.

Got a dilemma?